The Greatest Handicap is to be Broke!! I mean when you do not Have Money to take Care of the Cheapest of Things... A Situation whereby You look at Food right in front of You but you can't have it in Your Empty Stomach... You are very Ill; there is a Hospital in Your Street but You can't go in..
Your Clothes have many Patches from stitchings, there is a Boutique right at the Bus Stop to Your House but You can't go in. You can't pay the rent of Your House, Your Phone is Due for a Change, Your car has been Panel Beaten to no Recognition, Your Toiletries and Groceries are Finished... There is Job for a Few... The Weather isn't even Helping matters as the Heat can Melt a Rock.. Having Power supply is Over-Luxury.... . When you can't even afford Food to be Alive For a Start... Then you ask Yourself this, Do I Deserve to be Alive?????? This is the State of the Average Nigerian of which I am Very part of... Forget the Smiles on People's Faces, This Shit just got Real; #Money is Everything...
By Kelechi Uhegwu.
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