Monday, 27 June 2016

Lightening strikes, kills two brothers in Jos (photos)

It was a tragic day yesterday in Bayan Tasha, Ungwan Rogo, Jos when two members of the same family were killed when lightening struck during the early morning rain.

The siblings, named  Salihu Danjuma Ibrahim and Salisu Ibrahim died on the spot when they were electrocuted after a series of bizzare chain reactions occured after the lightening strike.

According to Bello Lukman who shared the tragic news

The lightening caused the 33 Kv high tension wire above to spark, this came with a heavy sound with the wire coming down to the ground. Scared, the two brothers ran out of this closed shop and unfortunately, the wire had caused current to pass through the water. Immediately they stepped out, they were electrocuted and died. They had since been buried according to Islamic rites. May Almighty God forgive them their sins and grant them paradise. Ameen /Amen.

Check out Carolyn Danjuma's outfit for her birthday yesterday

The mother of three stepped out in this gorgeous gown yesterday for her birthday.

She was styled by celebrity stylist Swanky Jerry

Can You Wear This Cleavage Revealing Dress If Your Boobs Are Humble Like This? (Photos)

Those boobs must be affiliated to the South South militants.

Continue to see another photo:

So I Ask
Is this fashion or Madness?

Checkout The Marriage List Given to a Young Man Who Wants To Marry (Photos)

The sender who is confused about the marriage list he received from his now EX potential inlaws shared the following photos because he feels that this is day light robbery.

According to the guy, The most painful part is that after paying through your nose, The woman will still come to your house and be doing gender equality with you.

More list when you continue:

A Husband Has No Right To Have Sex With His Wife When She Says No

There is nowhere in the general definition of rape where it states that rape can only occur outside marriage. Rape is rape! As long as it is a sexual assault which involves penetration against a person without the person's consent... whether within or outside marriage.
I learnt that the Nigerian Law has no provisions for persecution of marital rape criminals. When I sort to read further, it still has to do with beliefs. This is rather appalling, and I find it disturbing that the Nigerian Law uses marriage as a tool to promote rape.
I spoke with a woman in 2013, a total stranger who simply needed someone to talk to. The husband forced himself on her days after she delivered their baby. She had vagina stitches which was yet to heal at the time. The rape resulted in her needing further stitches because of the force. She was so scared to go back home, so she had to run back to be with her mother till she heals.

Nothing was done, the man got away with raping his wife and inflicting injuries on her. Why? Because they are married. More like marriage now gives one immunity against punishment for certain crimes.
In some saner climes somewhere on this same planet, such a man would face charges for rape, sexual assault and grievous bodily harm... maybe amongst others. But in my country, he walks freely because he has a certificate that certifies him "married".
This is an extreme case, I know. But the fact remains that people reserve the right to decide what happens to their bodies, both within and outside marriage. Marriage should not be a license for rape. When and if a man uses his penis to penetrate his wife's vagina without her consent, it is called RAPE! Marriage shouldn't make it any less of a crime than it is.

By Blog Reader Nkechi Bianze

Blind woman gives birth to ten children, and five of them are also blind

Many families with 2/3 children complain about the workload, but what do you say about a woman whо wаѕ born blind and has 10 children!!

Heather McIntyre, 41, of Sydney, Australia, was born with congenital cataracts, a condition which caused her to be blind. Shе fоund thе love оf hеr life, аnd ѕhе іѕ managing tо raise а large family wіth thе hеlр оf twо guide dogs аnd gadgets lіkе а braille oven.

McIntyre, whо іѕ thе proud mother оf 10 children, ѕаіd thаt ѕhе wаѕ 19 years оld whеn ѕhе met hеr husband thrоugh hеr job аѕ а telemarketer, whісh іѕ а “typical blind person job.” Hеr husband nоw supports thе family frоm hіѕ work аѕ а personal trainer, McIntyre said.

McIntyre аnd hеr husband Garry, 56, gоt married in 1995 аftеr dating fоr ѕіx months аnd thеу wеnt оn tо hаvе 10 children together, Kurt, 20, Sebastian, 19, Jacqueline, 16, Kirima, 13, twins Lance аnd Quillan, 11, Quintessa, 8, Jacinta, 5, Arnold, four, аnd Myfawny, whо іѕ оnlу 15 months old.

“When the kids are little I’d have bells on their socks or those little rattle bracelets you can get so I could hear where they were,” Mrs McIntyre said.

“I help them with their homework, which is done in braille.

Fіvе оf thе children, including thе twin boys, thе 5-year-old girl аnd thе baby wеrе born wіth thе ѕаmе eye condition аѕ thеіr mother, аnd thеу аll bеіng taught tо bе independent аnd ѕеlf confident people.

Angry Blog Reader Blasts Ike Ekweremadu. Calls Him a Hypocrite (Photos)

When I first saw this photo, I recognized Saraki but had a very difficult time figuring out who the other man was. It was my friend who guessed that it may be Mr Ike Ekweremmadu, Sincve he was in court with Saraki to face criminal charges. I was Shocked because I didnt recognize the man. Have you ever seen Ike Ekweremadu wear this attire to the Red chamber? Please remind me if he has, maybe I've forgotten.
Simply because he's having a forgery case with his Boss, he wore this to court today to attract Igbo ethnic sympathy and create disaffection between tribes. 

Why didn't he wear this to the Senate chambers all this years? Why didnt he announce his igboness all this while. Why wait for year to adorn this attire. Other politicians including Saraki has always dressed to represent his people but Ekweremadu has always been on suit even on traditional ceremonies which he attended.
I am sad. Sad at Nigeria, Sad at Ekweremmadu and sad at his hypocrisy. In civilized climes, he would have resigned. David Cameron resigned few days ago because of BREXIT not even a personal corruption charge but here in this country, Serving public officers attend court rooms to answer corruption, fraud, forgery and bribery scandals. Our senate president and his vice are in the dock and still glued to power. What a shame

It is very bad...Imagine even Buhari who is facing charges for certificate fraud is still glued to power...In a civilized clime,all of them will resign and face their charges. 
As for Mr Ekweremmadu, I want to inform every igboman and indeed all Nigerias to ignore this Ekweremmadu man. He simply wants to whip up ethnic sentiments and pitch tribe against another. if not why did he suddenly remember his igboness and his Igbo regalia once persecuted. Deputy senate president for 9yrs and what happened to Enugu Onitsha expressway?

No sympathy for sir. Carry your cross alone because there's no Simon to help you out.
Buhari is mean. Yes but
Nigeria must be cleansed.

Cleansed of people like Ekweremmadu

By Blog Reader 
Oraegbunam P.